Golden Shovel

The Winter 2024 Golden Shovel goes to Steve Belland and Brenda Decarrie.  Thank you for repairing one of our park bench swings!  You saved our homeowners $$$ with your generous donation of supplies and time.
And to Alan Duncan for his continuous efforts to keep the park poop free!
FALL 2023
The FALL 2023 Golden Shovel goes to the following homeowners who helped our park and greenspace through this oppressive drought.  We thank you for your time and hard work!
Doug and Barbara Rusth
Doodie and Elmer Taylor
Rich Osbourne
Doug Schwab
Scott Haig and Joey Pena
Maggie Hammerle
Kevin and Cindy Cegielski
Jeff and Linda Knippa
Glenn Marsh
Sandy Peterson
Ray Glass
Ann Klinar
Dorothy Wright
Mary Ellen Vail
Daniel Inners 
Linda Dixon
Brenda DeCarrie
Karen Gregory
Lynda Breault
The Summer 2023 Golden Shovel goes to the Playground Revitalization Committe. Thank You Steve Breault, Mike Bright, Derek Soltes, Brenda DeCarrie and Lynda Breault for taking a few hours on a Saturday morning and getting our playground in safe working condition and saving our homeowners around $3000.00!
The Spring 2023 Golden Shovel goes to Dagmar Meeh and Steve Breault for helping us plant flowers at the park monuments.  THANK YOU DAGMAR AND STEVE!
The Golden Shovel Award for the Winter of 2023 goes to Alan Duncan and Tom Scott.  We see you scooping poop in our neighborhood and we THANK YOU!
Also, to Logan Goodson.  Logan helped us create our new LOGO for the neighborhood. THANK YOU LOGAN!
FALL 2022
The Golden Shovel Award for the Fall of 2022 goes to homeowner Jeff Knippa!  Thank you Jeff for repairing one of our parcel boxes and repairing the bench roof at the tennis courts. Also, Jon Ivie for donating the roof shingles needed to do the
job. You saved our homeowners $$$$$
The Golden Shovel Award for the Summer of 2022 goes to all our wonderful​ ​volunteers that helped us get through the drought by watering our common areas​ ​and park. Thank you Ray Glass, Sharon Koehl, Ann Klinar, Karen Gregory, Lynda Breault, Brenda DeCarrie, Kevin Cegielski, Linda Knippa, and Elaine Snowden. We know there were others that helped by watering the green space surrounding their homes - We appreciate all our drought busters who stepped up to help.
And to Glenn Marsh for going out of his way to help fix an irrigation issue on College Green.  Thank you Glenn!  You saved our homeowners $$$$$.
Also, a big shout out to our regular tennis players.  They helped put up new nets and windscreens for the courts and they continue to maintain them after storms.  Thanks guys!  You saved our homeowners $$$$$$$$$$$.
The Golden Shovel Award for the Spring of 2022 goes to Jeff Knippa!  Thank you Jeff for fixing our tennis court pole.  You saved our homeowners $$$$$$.
This quarter the Golden Shovel Award goes to all of our neighbors that donated benches.  Thank you to the Carrillo family, the Rusth family, the Stancher family, Georgia Fleener, Otilia Magee, and the friends of Elmer and Doodie Taylor!  Thank you so much for your generous donation.  You have made our walkways beautiful.  Click here  to read their stories!